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New Year, New Post - Part 2

Dawn Prato

Okay, so it's not January and it's a little over a year ago today when I wrote about how life got away with me and things were happening but I promise I'm going to keep updating.... Well, here we are!

Remember how I was talking about getting angry at myself over not doing a whole lot (or so it felt) until I got ready to go forward again? Turns out that's not the best way to do things. Who'd have thunk? So I pulled out my Bullet Journal, made a list, and then got distracted with an Excel spreadsheet for a while planning out when I was going to post instead of, you know, actually writing one.

The Fraud Police hit last year, and it hit hard - ironically, because I was taking a lot of steps to moving my career forward. Or, trying to, at the very least. I networked more, read more, entered more contests and paid for feedback (more on that bit later), and when I look back on things, it was all worth it! It felt like slow going at the time, almost standing still in some places, but overall? I've made quite a bit of progress over the last year.

And I'm finally, FINALLY going to Ireland this year! So buckle up because when I'm there, there's going to be so many pictures, you guys. SO MANY. And if I find an entryway into the world of Faeries, you can bet I'm taking it. If the last post you see from me contains "I'm off to the Otherworld", I've either had way too much Guinness, or I'm going to live with the Faeries and may show up again in a hundred years or so like Rip Van Winkle did. Faery circles, man, they're dangerous things.

But in all seriousness, there's a place called Loftus Hall that is reportedly SUPER haunted and I'm really considering spending the night there. I'll keep you posted.

One of the biggest things right now, though, is that my TV pilot script Otherworld made it to the finals in a competition! This has garnered a teeny bit of attention, and I'm quickly realizing that while I thought I was working hard(ish) while holding down a day job, I haven't been pushing nearly hard enough. I'm not about to go from 0 - 60 in no time flat, but that whole writing schedule thing? It's definitely something I'm finding ways to get far more serious about. I've always treated it like something to work on, of course, and something to keep working on, but the thing about having one TV pilot I was devoting all my attention to was that....I was devoting all of my attention to it. Don't get me wrong, I love it (and so do some others, woohoo!), and I hope one day it sees screen-time and I get to experience all the rush and stress and insanity that comes with making a TV show, but looking back, I can see where I should've worked harder on editing those NaNoWriMo novels or finishing half-done script outlines. So, new goals for the year(s) ahead - just keep writing. There's so many folks who have far better quotes on it than I do, and I'm trying not to get soapbox-y or anything, but that's where my head's at right now. Writing.

As far as what's to come in this blog? You might see book reviews. You might see movie reviews, or me talking about why I like certain books, certain films, certain characters. You might see short stories of my own, or hear about tabletop games and other collaborative writing I've been doing over the years. I might float bits of those aforementioned NaNo Novels by y'all...time will tell.

But I promise, I'm still here, and I'm still writing. And I love a good chat, so drop by and say hello if it pleases you :)

Until next time!


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© 2015 by Dawn Prato

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