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New Year, Old Blog

Dawn Prato

Turns out I'm still alive!

Ironically, after I wrote a post about time management, life got a little wild on me and my time management went flying out the window, even my best attempts at it. After a while, I started to pick myself up and put things back together - nothing serious happened, but I fell into the "well I haven't written a blog post in 2 months so I may as well just stop, right?" trap that is super dangerous and full of tempting things like Candy Crush and Netflix binges beckoning you to fall deeper and deeper into its web of lies.

I can call it "research" all I want, but after a while it's time to face the facts - while I was watching some amazing television, I was falling behind on everything I wanted to accomplish. That, of course, sent me further down the spiral and soon I wasn't even writing for fun anymore.

Then December came along. While it didn't exactly boot me in the ass, it did give me a few nudges in some different directions that had me doing a hard assessment of where I was and where I wanted to be, and how, with a... we'll say medium amount of hard work.... and a lot of effort, I could actually get there.

So January started and I made my lists and my plans.

And then about ten days in I started to feel like I was already slacking off and I was the worst procrastinator in the world and this is why none of my scripts have won Golden Globes. I may have had a drink or two when it got to the Golden Globes bit.

But here's the thing - I don't know what it's like for other people but eventually I hit a point where my moping pisses me off, and that gives me the oomph to pull myself together.

So here I am, pulling myself together. It's a work in progress, folks, but between freelance gigs and editing, I'll be making my return to drop a thought or two here. Deadlines are fast approaching and there are contests to enter and queries to make! It's fun to think about, in a nerve-wracking sort of way, but I look forward to the challenge. And a conversation a friend of mine (I had a flash of "Oh, that's why this isn't working!" about a script while brushing my teeth... go figure) had me thinking back to one of his blog posts. It's about editing - he has a lot of really good ones so if you like, head on over and check him out! His books, by the way, are great. So much love for 'em, and a lot of his blog posts explore the world he's created. His name is Jeremy Varner and you can check out his website here or his Twitter here.

As ever, I'd love to chat! Leave a note in the comments or send an email or stop by my Twitter or Facebook and say hi! Or if you'd like someone to give feedback on your writing, definitely get in touch and we'll see how I can best help you achieve your goals.

January's not over yet!


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© 2015 by Dawn Prato

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