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On Introductions

Dawn Prato

Well. Hello! This is going to serve as a bit of an introduction and the beginnings of something brand new for me - at least, in a professional setting. I journal daily (or try to), and I'm skilled at the art of a reblog or a retweet, but I've recently decided that it's time for me to actually give some feedback on those articles I read, the material I see, and almost everything else that comes along. I've been writing since I was about 4 years old, so it's time to develop a new type of writing skill and get some conversations going with others. So, if you want to comment on something I've written, say hello, ask for certain types of posts, feel free! I'd love to hear from you.

Of course, it should go without saying that I hope people will be polite in the comments. Opinions are, of course, welcome, so long as nobody's attacking anyone else.

When I pulled up this page to write my first post (yay!), in place of a title, it said "Write an Engaging Title".

So I started at it for ten minutes and didn't write a single word.

If it's someone else's work, I have no problem diving in and writing notes or suggestions. If I'm in a group setting where we're doing readings of scripts and discussing them? Again, no problem. When it comes to my own writing, though, I encounter a very familiar problem... the blank page. Should I start off witty? Straightforward? Should I put a pun in the title? How do I want people to interpret what I write? What if I write it and it's wrong? So many questions, and at the end of the day I still have a blank page. Well, a blank page and a bit (a lot) of guilt over not having done any work for the day.

It's amazing how easy it is to find really interesting articles and a new interest in everything your friends have posted on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram when you have a blinking cursor waiting for you in another window.

So, I figured... what the hell. And now here I am, on the verge of babbling, but I think you've had a chance, albeit a short bit of one, to see how I write.

If you found the blog through my site, you know a bit of what I'm about. After graduating from the Vancouver Film School, I spent some time interning at a local agency where my love of story was reinforced. I had the chance to write up coverage for submissions to the agency, and I continue to work on a freelance basis for them from time to time. I've met several other writers through them as they send potential clients my way to take a look at some writing. With this blog, I'll do a few things - show you sample coverage of movies already on the big screen, look at the differences between finished films and their scripts, and discuss a range of topics involving story, scripts, and other aspects of writing in general. There may even be a few articles and blog posts from others that I throw in here from time to time.

No matter how you found your way to my page, or this blog, I'm glad you decided to take a look around. I look forward to saying hello!

All the best,



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© 2015 by Dawn Prato

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